Cooling within a lectern is a very common application as usually a lectern holds computers and other AV equipment. The principles and products are going to be the same as with standalone cabinetry but we just wanted to give the application separate attention.

One key with lecterns is typically systems need to be silent so this is one of the few commercial applications where the principles of residential cooling is critical. Another unique aspect with lecterns is typically equipment is kept in one area with other areas needed for other things like course material or exhibits so equipment can be compartmentalized making cooling even more critical.
Please do read the Standalone Cabinetry section but lets also cut to the chase. Of course lecterns will deploy 'local' venting options and you typically want to exhaust air from a lectern and out one or both of the sides of the lectern as really don't want the aesthetic of a fan on the front of a lectern. Due to the equipment that is typically in a lectern the HiFlo of HiFlo Lite Pro units would be recommended and paired with recessed/insert style grills. Another important component is to use a temperature controller and the ALT is perfect for this application since it has variable speed control which will keep the fans as quiet as possible.