Designed for Life
Designed for Life. The longevity of the fans is a good segue to the design of our products. Cool Components products were designed to last a lifetime, not just make it past a warranty period which is critical when your customers often include mission critical systems (NASA, military, big tech...). Some my look a the products and perhaps scratch their heads and we even credit some companies with how their products look very nice and 'finished', however, our designs serve a very intentional purpose. One design strategy is to generally stay away from integrated products as when one part of an integrated product goes bad, typically the entire unit stops working and troubleshooting and repairs or more difficult or even not possible. Integrated typically means disposable. When making products that are modular, there are simply more options and systems are fined tuned to the exact application. Some systems are designed with fans running full time so an integrated controller is no necessary. Sometimes just basic on/off control is necessary and then other times want more control, more features which CCI offers all of that but it is your choice, not a one size fits all love it or leave it approach!
Troubleshooting is also significantly easier with the modular approach as when an integrated component fails, you do not know if it is a fan failure, controller, power supply or whatever else is built in. With a modular design in seconds can test the power supply, can bypass the controller to test if it's a fan or controller issue and if it is a controller issue, it can easily be bypassed until the issue can be resolved.
Servicing is also very important (to us and a wise consumer). In today's age it's just normal for products to be disposable but we do not feel this way, not even close! The majority of our fan products are easily serviceable which simply means that the fans can be renewed and within a matter of minutes have a like new product.